Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Greater Purpose

We toil in the fields, in the factories, in the cubicles, in the corporate offices, and in the restaurants and cafés.  We try to find satisfaction in the work we do, all the while knowing that work provides a greater reward than not working ever could.  We don’t really discover this truth unless we’ve been both employed, and unemployed at some point during our lifetime.

If we work at a job that is not in alignment with our soul, however, with our purpose in life, we find that it wears us down, wears us out, and prompts us to either hunker down and unhappily accept the status quo, or seek a source of satisfaction elsewhere.  The dissatisfaction of such a job, the hopelessness, the futility of going through motions that we find no purpose in is like a hamster on a wheel for many.  It is a passing of time, but not a purposeful use of our time, other than for a paycheck.  That paycheck is important, but the seeking of our higher calling is what can make the difference. 

Now I’m not saying that if you are a server in a cafe, or a laborer, or a factory worker that you are not serving your higher calling.  And I’m not implying that if you are a successful musician, teacher, or doctor that you are serving your higher calling.  It is not about the status of the work, the recognition, or the pay scale.  It is about the place where you fit well with yourself, the place that feeds your soul, the place that enables you to have the greatest peace about what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it.  It is an alignment with something greater than one’s self.  For some, being a servant is the highest calling of all.  And I’m not one who would ever disagree with that.  For some it is reaching for the pinnacle of financial success, gaining a position of influence and advantage.  And for some it might be in entertaining others.  Every person is unique, and every calling unique to the one who answers it.  It is about how we are with what we do, and what we do with our circumstances, acquired influence, and remuneration.     
It has been said that if you’re doing something you love, you won’t work a day in your life.  

Scripture says, “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.”  It is not just a principle of faith.  It is a universal truth of sorts.  I don’t know that it is universal in the purest sense of its promise, but it surely is in the importance of its intent and admonition.  It is an encouragement to reach for what your soul desires, to embrace the gift that has been granted, and to enter into the fullness of that promise.   

It is good fortune for an individual to find his life’s work.  It is an easy thing to find for some people.  Some know their path from a very early age, but some don’t find it until much later in life.  For some it takes the experience of life to stumble upon the work that fulfills them, but when they do they recognize it as their own.

Some people do, and will always, look at work as just a way to make a living, often hopping from job to job.  And that’s O.K.  Work is noble in, and of, itself.  Everybody has to make a living.  Everyone must find a way, and sometimes the esoteric does not need to enter into the equation at all.  People can, and do, find their higher calling outside of work.  And that is equally important.  What matters is that we find our greater purpose, in life, and in our day to day.  For many it is found in their work, and for some it is not.