Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It Matters Who You Are

It doesn’t matter who you were.  It matters who you are.
Likewise, it doesn’t matter what you did.  It matters what you’re doing.
And it doesn’t matter where you’ve been.  It matters where you’re going.

Some people are crippled by their past, the mistakes they made, and the failures they’ve been unable to come to grips with.  It leaves them frozen in place, restricted in their development as people.  Others live the same dynamic, but because of past success, a success that causes them to feel as if they’ve arrived, as if they’ve reached the top of the mountain.  They become as paralyzed, and as stunted in their growth, as those whose failure has caused their own inhibition.

Each day can be an opportunity to move away from the paralysis, to inch forward, if even with unremarkable effect.  Effort is something each one of us can engage in, and experience as progress, no matter the degree; like the sensation one might have when trying to walk across the room after one’s legs have gone to sleep from lack of circulation.  It’s not easy, but the effort alone will help to bring the legs back to life.  Effort cannot disguise itself as apathy.  It is the antithesis of that.  One can feel honest effort within one’s self.  And one can take heart in knowing that movement comes with that effort, whether the movement is easily measured or not.  Results are sometimes very difficult to see, but can often be illuminated by looking back, by observing the tracks connecting where we are with where we’ve been, not unlike the trail a snail leaves on the ground behind its own advancement.  And, lets face it, sometimes our personal movement, our progress if you will, is little more than a snails pace; but at least it’s movement.
And that’s what counts.  

It doesn’t matter who you were.  It matters who you are.
Likewise, it doesn’t matter what you did.  It matters what you’re doing.
And it doesn’t matter where you’ve been.  It matters where you’re going.