You may not agree with the following cultural observations.
That wouldn't be the first time.
But they are my observations, and just because you may not see them in your own community does not mean that it is not a serious cultural trend in our country.
One does not see a flood until it is upon them.
Perhaps your particular community is more conscious, or more protected, than the culture at large.
Perhaps not, I don’t know.
In regards to teens, and twenty something’s.
An age of self-discovery. An age of development.
An age of importance.
It is a very confusing world for them to connect to now.
Many things began changing for kids with the creation of new Psychiatric Disorders to cover every nuanced human behavior. With the invent of such disorders, a drug could then be prescribed for every condition.
Not without consequence, this excess of ready-made diagnoses’, and ‘drug therapy’ has been robbing young people of the will to fight through their pain, accepting the pronouncements of ‘professionals’ instead.
Unaware of the arsenic in the comfort food.
There was a time in our history when young people suffering from the torment of disassociation, the pain of internal isolation, the confusion of identity, would be offered meaningful and significant help, assistance towards finding themselves, and getting their lives on track.
Rather than be encouraged to embrace their own ‘peculiarity’.
There was a time when the pain of one’s particular childhood was to be acknowledged, faced, sorted out, dealt with, risen above, and used as motivation for self-improvement.
Rather than to be used as justification for what one has become.
There was a time when doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, in particular, but school counselors as well, would encourage, and help facilitate for young people, the discovery, or rediscovery, of self, of one’s true and honest nature, of one’s essential humanity, of the best a person has within themselves.
Rather than to fall back on personal compromise.
There was a time when High School coaches would teach, and model, fortitude and perseverance for their players, then step back and watch as pride, and dignity, would emerge in the discovery of the individual’s own inner will.
Rather than accommodating the subjugation of self to one’s own weakness.
There was a time when teachers would quite naturally incorporate life, and character, lessons into the teaching of their particular topic of expertise.
Rather than the vague and ambiguous relativity they are now so fond of dispensing to our children.
There was a time when the reintegration of a person with himself was of prominent importance towards the health and well-being of the individual, when the outward direction of one’s best intentions would enable the internal identity to right itself, and when we, as a culture, were able to recognize the importance of such meaningful achievements.
Rather than giving out awards for the acceptance of self in a perpetually wounded, and compromised, condition.
There was a time when personality disorders, and self-absorbed deviance, would be recognized as personality disorders and self-absorption. There was a time when arrogant and pompous narcissism (which young people learn from pretend-adults) would be recognized as a disassociation from one’s inner compass, from one’s own inner core.
Rather than it being celebrated as courageous individualism.
There was a time when arrogance, and pompous affectation (which is also learned from pretend-adults), would be recognized for what it actually is . . . . . . . . . sad and pathetic self-loathing, the consequence of continued behavior that diminishes the human spirit.
Rather than as a sign of one having finally achieved self-acceptance.
Live with the lie, and you live with the life.
I find it quite interesting that some of the most glaring and serious psychiatric disorders have conveniently been purged from the list to further enable the behaviors they support. In many cases, the very behaviors the psychiatrists and ‘therapists’ engage in themselves. How convenient.
Oh yes, and the drugs they prescribe for every condition?
Follow the money.
And wouldn’t you like to know which drugs these therapists are on in order to make it possible for them to continue to live with themselves?
We no longer seek to repair the broken,
but to integrate it, to redefine it.
Everybody is afraid of being branded as ‘intolerant’.
Eventually, everybody will be broken.
I think that we should not be fooled by Psychiatric labels that are so readily adopted by adults, and even more readily imposed upon young people. We should not be fooled by the elevation of self-interest groups in our culture, by the subjugation of value, by the inundation of increasingly compromised social, political, and personal deviance.
It is the young people who are most affected by our disingenuous lead,
and who will continue to be long into the future.
They are our responsibility.
If we want to celebrate deviance, lets celebrate deviating from these poisonous cultural trends. That would be deviance worthy of recognition.
There was a time when we would call a spade a spade.
I think we should still call a spade a spade.
I don’t think we should call a spade a heart.
A spade is not a heart.