Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Throw Away Thoughts

-Needless to say, not a day goes by that I do not become a day older than I was the day before. I wonder if that’s true of everyone, or if it’s just me? Seems like everybody over the age of 40 just keeps getting younger looking.

-Ever notice how often people will preface what they have to say by saying ‘needless to say’? I think if it’s ‘needless to say’ it should probably not be said, so please disregard my opening statement.

-When I alluded to the fact that we could all benefit by elevating our consciousness, somebody said to me “Ah, you just have some kind of ‘Jesus complex’.” I replied, “Funny, that’s what they said about Him”.

-Isn’t it about time somebody crawled up to the bar, and said “Hey, can we raise this goddamned bar back up to where it used to be”?

-Some people say Obama is in over his head, but I think WE’RE in over his head.

-If we fail to restrain ourselves from even ‘minor’ indiscretions, doesn’t that leave us with compromised discretion, thus uniquely qualifying us for public office? And as far as giving the politicians free reign with discretionary spending? Well, never mind.

-They’ve been searching for life on Mars, and other planets in the universe, but I’m still hoping that someday they’ll find signs of intelligent life in Washington.

-Ever notice how some women who wear really low cut blouses exposing a lot of breast pretend to be offended if you notice, but actually get offended if you pretend you don’t?

-Have you ever considered that pleasure might just be a precursor to pain? In which case, if we forgo the pleasure we just might avoid the pain.

-But then again, have you ever considered that pain just might be a major stress reliever?

-We can actually do whatever we want, but who would want to be known for some of the things that we actually do?

-Trees grow up, or out, towards the light, always towards the light. But many of us seek the company of darkness, the secret places where a tree would never want to be for fear of inhibiting it’s own growth.

-Be careful where you lead the ones you love. Some of those alleys are pretty hard to turn back around in.

-It seems I’ve always got something to say, but better that, than always having something to drink. I guess.

-Time goes by at the same pace for everybody, but for some it’s gone in a flash, and for others, every moment is more like a lifetime. Time just isn’t fair?

-The hummingbirds flit around the feeder looking for sweets, sucking the fake nectar from the fake plastic flower, but remaining remarkably authentic themselves. Like artists trying to eke out a living in a Corporate cubicle.

-Don’t you wish that TV was interactive enough that you could hand-pick your own news team? Y’know, take the lead anchor from one station, the weatherperson from another, the sportscaster from yet another, etc. Put them all together for a team of your liking. I don’t know who assembles these crews, but it seems like there is never a complete group that anyone finds particularly competent, professional, and appealing. Mix and match, that’s gotta be the wave of the future. Select, copy, and paste the ones you like together onto a blank screen for an individualized newscast.

-People always say “Don’t criticize somebody until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” My question is, “What if they won’t lend you their shoes? Or if they will, what if you can only walk a half-mile in them? Or a maybe a hundred yards? Does that mean you can only refer to them with guarded criticism?” And then, wouldn’t you at least be qualified to criticize the shoes?

-Who’s really under that big Jack In The Box head anyway? Has anybody ever seen him? Probably somebody profiled on Americas Most Wanted. A good place to hide.

-I was driving through the farmland of California’s Central Valley the other day. It was really hot and dry, and I thought to myself, “Oh, this is where they grow all those raisons, and the other dried fruit I get at Trader Joes. I wonder where they grow the fresh fruit I find at Safeway.”

-Busy: “Fully occupied in a particular activity.”
-Body: “The physical remains of a dead person.”
-Busybody: Our own life gets perilously neglected when we’re busy living someone else’s. That’s what I think.

-I’d rather do something for myself, learn how to do it well, learn something about myself in the process, and understand its significance in the scheme of life, than to have all the servants in the world at my every beck and call. Otherwise, the only thing I’d have of my own to take pride in would be the skill with which I was able to beckon and call my servants.

-Some things I just know, whether I know them or not.

-These are throwaway thoughts. Please feel free to discard them. I will not be held responsible for any that you may choose to keep.